A drawing of a teenager with a medium skin tone; freckles; short, curly dark hair; and amber eyes. She is wearing a white dress shirt and orange sweater vest. They have a slightly worried expression on their face.


FULL NAME: Cassidy Winston Medina

NICKNAME(S): Cas (basically everyone)


BORN: January 15, 1997 in Placeholder, Mississippi, USA

AGE: 15–16


ROLE: Protagonist

SYMBOLISM: Stars, Angels, Eyes

THEMES: Humanity, Loneliness


  • Prove the existence of cryptids
  • Find out who Ramona Ignacio is


Cas Medina is a passionate, perpetually nervous 15-year-old with a special interest in all things supernatural. Since before their dad died, they have been obsessed with proving the existence of the paranormal. They are ostracized by their peers and starts the story with no friends other than their mom. They have a horrible fear of contamination, which is not helped by the people around them.

After being asked on a date (not a date) (totally a date) by Cassy at the end of the 2011–2012 school year, the two decide to try and find evidence of cryptids. The librarian turning out to be a giant half-centipede monster, and a sapient slime mould living in Cas's walls seems like pretty good evidence to them. Plus, Cas swears that the emo kid in their math class has fangs and lacks a reflection. But there seems to be more than just cryptids...


Cas, above all, is passionate about everything. She has opinions on everything and anything and will tell anyone who'll listen. She's stubborn, and it takes a lot to change her opinions once she's made up her mind. She's extremely protective and caring of those she's close to and would do anything for her friends. Her intelligence and love of research often leads to late-night Wikipedia deep dives. She strives for perfection in nearly everything she does, from doing her homework to deep cleaning her room to getting the perfect lighting in a photo.

Unfortunately, she is quite the misanthrope, having a total distrust for almost everyone. At the beginning of the story, her only friend is her mom, due to her horrible social skills, her refusal to make friends, and her peers' ostracization of her. She holds grudges and can be selfish and bitter. Her extreme anxiety often gets the best of her, leading her to freak out over the most minor things and have panic attacks on a regular basis. Keeping a regular and repetitive schedule seems to help minimize this. However, things can't stay the same forever, and her life gets flip turned upside down will smith style i'll edit this again later

KEY TRAITS: anxious, bitter, caring, emotional, hardworking, intelligent, irritable, kind, paranoid, passionate, pessimistic, selfish, stubborn, untrusting





APPEARANCE: Cas is a scrawny, 5'6 African-American/Mexican teenager that's built like a weird twig. They have bad posture, square hands, and warm medium brown skin. They have a round face with many, many freckles. Their brow ridge and jawline aren't very pronounced. They have large, round, downturned amber eyes, long eyelashes, and short, thick eyebrows. Their nose is straight, wide, and sticks out a bit at the bottom. Their upper lip is just slightly smaller than their lower lip, but both are relatively thick.

HAIR: She has curly, voluminous deep brown hair with a distinctive curl in the middle of her bangs. Two slightly longer sections of hair poke out at the sides of her face. She grows her hair out during the story, starting just below her ears and ending above her shoulders. While it's growing out it's an awkward looking almost-mullet. She usually keeps her hair loose but occasionally puts it in a ponytail.

VOICE: They have a southern US accent and a stutter that gets worse when they're nervous. Their voice cracks sometimes and is a medium to almost high pitch.

STYLE: Cas tends to wear collared shirts, simple dresses, cardigans, sweater vests, straight-legged pants, long skirts, cargo shorts, frilly socks, and sneakers. They also like headbands, bracelets, and hairclips. They tend to wear a communication card necklace and often carries a vintage polaroid camera around with them. She will never wear a shirt without a collar (jackets and sweaters are fine), tight jeans, or ankle socks. She very rarely wears makeup but when she does it’s simple brown eyeliner, some mascara, and/or lip gloss.

KEY TRAITS: curly hair, downturned eyes, freckles, rectangular body, round face, scrawny, short, wide nose and lips


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